They had there faces painted, and we walked through the maze. This was our third time through and we can never find our way out. The girls had a blast with the flashlights, and ran yelling lions, n tigers, and bears O MY"
We took a trip to visit my Aunts this month in Alabama. The girls have never flown on a plane before. The flight went fairly well, if you don’t count how Pansy spilled her water all over the people behind us. Thankfully they understood having children themselves.
We spent a few days, took a tour of Montgomery. It happens to be the home of my parents as well. They both grew up and met there. The story is they met as children 10 year olds. My mother use to roller skate around the city and my dad ran wild according to her, this was the early 1950’s. They didn’t pay much attention to one another as 10 year olds do. Four to five years later they met in school, my dad started hanging out at my moms house. He is 2 years older than my mother so he went off and joined the Navy ( shhhhh he was legally to young) and then he sent for her. They were married in 1959 in Kingsville Texas where he was stationed at the time. My dad was 18 and my mother barely 16. If your adding that up they have been married over 50 years now. Anyway mom took a train by herself from Montgomery to Kingsville. She thought she would have time to change from her traveling suit into a cream dress but alas dad said it was late and they had to run. There were married at the JP’s home while his wife cooked greens in the kitchen. Maybe that’s why my mother is so fond of greens….
My dad hasn’t been able to see his sisters or brother in many years at least 19. Needless to say it was a great reunion.
The girls thought it would be fun to wake up Grandpa
My parents in the middle and my aunt and uncle on the sides
Here is some history for you this is The Dexter Avenue King Memorial Baptist Church Montgomery, AL it’s the church where Dr. Martin Luther, King, Jr spoke at from 1954-1960
My Uncle Don took us to tour Maxwell Air force Base
The girls got to meet my cousin Haley’s Horse
This house was down the street from my family and it had been hit during the civil war and it still had the marks to prove it.
DH being ever a Northern Yankee that he is loved the fact that I took the kids here =) First White House Of the Confederacy. He called me a redneck lol
This tree was ENORMUS, it was right on the capitol grounds. My mother remembers playing around it as a kid. That tiny speck is me.
This is my twin Aunts, my Dad and my Uncle 25 years ago
and this is now in the exact same spot
The twins with the twins
My cousin and myself
Being silly with my mother