
Race Car Driver Syndrome

The other day DH went on a special day trip. After he bought his new car which I like to call Lexi

I bought him a present. To get what I like to call the race car driver syndrome out of his system before he hits the highway.
Its called “Our track your car” its at the Texas Motor Speedway.
Spend an unforgettable day learning road racing techniques at one of the premier motor sports facilities in the nation! Professional drivers share valuable knowledge and offer critique as you take on the one-mile Infield Road Course for two heart-pounding sessions!
• Vehicle Dynamics Class
• 3 Hours High Performance Exercises
• Lunch Provided
• 30-minute "Shadow" Session on Infield Road Course
• Break for Professional Critique
• 30-minute Open Session on Infield Road Course
• Closing Critique, Summary, and New Opportunities

The Speedway
Participants from the class letting there cars cool off
Here's my H-o-t-t Hubby
One of the practice cars

Here is what it looks like from the sidelines

Here is what it looks like from inside the car

Anyway it was an all day thing and he had a blast. He’s already talking about signing up for more classes =)


4 Months Old Today

Our little Rugglebug is 4 months old today. He can hold his head up now when he’s on his tummy, and he won’t stop rolling over. He has also been teething like crazy for the last month, he's 20lbs and he needs a new car seat because the one he has only goes up to 22lbs.

Who do you think Rugglebug looks more like Snowdrop or Dewdrop as a baby? Can you tell them apart?

While at the gym daycare this week Rugglebug I learned loved there Jumparoo, so guess what he got last night and adores?


I finished his baby book the other day. Know it’s supposed to last the first year but I think I went picture crazy =)

I feel bad about the girls baby books, they were they first things I ever made scrap-booking and well let’s just say it shows. I need to start a family book starting at age 3 till now. I plan to start that tomorrow.

On another note I need to start really training for all the fall marathons that are coming up. Skye wants me to do the Warrior Dash in Austin this fall. I also wanted to do the Muddy Buddy again , Pumpkin Run in October and the Cowtown in February. I am so out of shape running though. Yesterday I only managed to run a 13 min mile. Only one, I walked the other two. I’ve been a real bum and hopefully when the girls start school this fall I can get to the gym if not sooner.


Trip to the Museum

One of my nephews is visiting my parents for the summer, so we all went to the Museum today. The girls had never been to the omni before either.

Snowdrop is playing doctor and giving the baby a shot
Dewdrop found this camera so much fun, especially when she could see her tongue.

This part had to be my favorite although Snowdrop really didn't like it. It was a 10 minute 4D show on the barnett shale. The seats moved and water sprayed you.
Here they are building domino stairs with my mom.
Learning about gears
My dad and nephew are putting together a working circuit.

Here they got to pretend to ride a horse and use there legs to make it move on the screen

It was a fun day, afterwards we went into the omni. If you have never been it's a little hard to describe.
The Omni Theater was the first IMAX screen in the Southwest and, with an eight-story domed screen and 30-degree stadium seating, remains the largest IMAX dome in the United States west of the Mississippi River. The Omni’s 120-foot-wide screen places the audience in the center of the action, producing a sensation much closer to real-life than a conventional movie theater.
The theater embodies a revolutionary concept in film presentation, which combines the drama of oversized film, state-of-the-art projection equipment, innovative tilt-domed theater architecture and the most sophisticated production techniques to create unique cinematic experience

Here is a great vid of what it looks like

Here is a really bad version from my iphone =) at one point someone hit the volume button, thats when i dropped the phone to cover my ears.