
School Day's

There are some days where you might as well just get comfy in the rocking chair pick out a good show and sit back. This is one of those days, and thank goodness USA is running an SVU marathon. Rugglebug is extremely fussy today. Maybe its teething, or being spoiled from this last weekend by being held all day. Whatever it is I can’t walk more than 2 ft from him…..
I never really watched SVU before, I guess that’s good because I have 10 years of episodes to choose from. I think DH is getting tired of Detective Stabler, however he really enjoys when Mariska Hargitay walks into the room….i wonder why =) I think DH just watches shows with me for the women, although I can’t blame him. Example Army Wives on Lifetime, Brigid Brannagh and Catherine Bell definitely eye candy there. The show is a total addiction and it makes me cry every week. True Blood, Big Brothers and Greys…..yea I knew there was a reason he sat with me.
I did manage to get the dishes done, table wiped down and the counters cleaned off. Thank goodness for naps. Now that I think about it maybe his afternoon fussiness is from the morning shopping we did, although we were only out for an hour. I went through 135.00$ in one hour….DH says it was for a good cause school supplies. Who knew some paper and markers would be so much these days, and that was buying the off brands. Well maybe it was a little more stuff than that here is the list for Kindergarten:
2 - box/pkgs. 6 or more pencils (#2 lead with attached eraser)
2 - boxes of 24 Crayola crayons
1 - box of 8 Crayola broad tip markers (classic colors)
2 - 32 oz. glue sticks
2 - 4 oz. non-toxic glue (plastic “squeeze” bottle, NO paste/gel)
1 - pair of scissors (Fiskars for Kids)
1 - school supply box (plastic)
1 - box of 8 ct. Crayola watercolors
1 - pkg. of asst. colored construction paper (heavyweight, 50 sheets, 12x18, approx.)
1 - pkg. of manila drawing paper (heavyweight, 50 sheets, 12x18, approx.)
6 - folders with brads & pockets (2-red, green & 1-yellow, blue)
1 - Tub Play Dough (any color)
1 - pink pearl eraser
2 - spiral notebooks (min. 120 pgs)
1 - handwriting tablet (Mead #48210-Pre-school-2nd gr.)
1 - box gallon Ziploc freezer bags
1 - box quart Ziploc freezer bags
1 - pkg. lunch size brown paper sacks
1 - pkg. paper plates
1 - box baby wipes
1 - 8 oz. bottle of hand sanitizer
2 - box tissue (200 ct, Kleenex/equal)
That was all for one child so I had to buy double. However I am very proud of myself to have beat the crowds and have all the school supplies and clothing shopping done. Go me. Every morning the girls ask me if its fall yet, I don’t know who’s more excited about school starting me or the girls

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