6 a.m - wake up, get dressed, get baby up and give a bottle, let dogs out, let dogs back in and feed them. Change baby and dress him, put him in the high chair, and feed him breakfast ( usually apple banana oatmeal )
7 a.m - Wake up the girls, start there breakfast. Get out there lunches, and eat something myself. Finish whatever I need to, to get myself dressed and ready to walk out the door. Tell the girls to hurry up and eat and kiss there daddy goodbye. Make sure they brush there teeth, and give them each a ponytail. Load the car ( takes me about 3 trips I am always forgetting things.)
7:45 - Take the girls to school, pop open a red bull as I pull away from the school and head to the gym.
8 a.m - 9:45 a.m - Drop the Ruggle's off in the gym daycare and then 1 hour of cardio and then weights. I actually love this time to listen to whatever I want on the radio and just be.......
10 a.m - Now either I am walking into the grocery store and picking up grocery's or running odd errands or I am just getting home. Lets say I just get home, I sneak a sleeping baby into his crib and tip toe out to let the dogs out and load the dishwasher, start a load of laundry, and make our bed. Then I take 30 mins to answer emails and write my sister. Until Ruggles wakes up I try and do quiet things around the house. Today I am trying to finish painting our bathroom. If i haven't mentioned it yet we are remodeling our house.
1 p.m - Ruggles wakes up and gets a change and a bottle, then another feeding of pears broccoli and peas. He plays around the floor while I fold 3 loads of laundry.
2:30 p.m - Put the baby in the car and leave to pick up the kids from school. Sit in a car line till the little ones are released and then head back home.
3:15 p.m - 4:30p.m - Get the kids a snack, and look through there backpacks for there homework. Get them started with there homework, and then make there lunches for the next day. Help them while feeding the baby another serving of bananas.
4:30 - 5 is free time for all, if the homework is done the kids can play and if the baby isn't fussy then he crawls around after them while I get the girls clothes laid out for the next day.
5-5;45 p.m - make dinner, DH gets home and is surrounded by kids all dying to see him. It's so funny if he doesn't pick up Ruggles right away, the baby gets so mad and just screams until he get's DH's attention.
6-7p.m is dinner and clean up, then I get the girls into the shower, teeth brushed, and stories read and 7:30 p.m is bedtime. Hopefully the baby is ready for bed to and goes right to sleep ( on a good day). Afterwords I get the bottles and breakfast dishes ready for the next day. Grab a shower and crash for the night.
Now on Wednesday night the girls have Ice Skate Practice and Thursday's they have gymnastics. Saturday mornings they have Ice skating lessons. I think we are going to have to quit something, I asked the girls what they want to stop and it looks like Gymnastics is getting the hatchet. They adore Ice Skating and they are doing really well. In two weeks they have there Advance Tot test and if they pass they get to move on to Pre-Alpha. They are super excited. This is a pic of the girls in one of there ice skating costumes. They won for best costume. =)

I mentioned above that our house is "under construction." We want to sell and move, but before we do our home needs some....updating. I've taken some before photos and some after. However I do not want to post them until everything is finished. Which to me feels like it is taking forever. We finished painting the kitchen, living room, dining room, and the halls. We started on the master bath and ran into a few problems, the original guys did an awful job on the taping and bedding I mean the walls have a ton of flaws and I really do not want to float the walls. So trying to figure out how to hide the flaws without too much work. These days I just don't have the time especially since Ruggle's has learned how to crawl. I think I have decided to just use a faux finish paint, maybe sponging. Anyway after we finish that and DH's office I'm going to stain the bathroom cabinets and kitchen ones. We also have plans for new kitchen counter tops, and new floors. We already have the tile and a date to lay it, the end of November.
I have totally fallen in love with this Blog : Young House Love It's this young couple who blog about all the remodeling they have done in there house. They really inspire me and they have the best ideas! I also really like this one I Heart Organizing Now if I could only do things like that.
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